Customs of the Republic of Lithuania

Frequently asked questions

1. BAP General questions

1.1 Who needs to register for BAP?
A person wishing to use the Customs electronic services must have a Customs electronic services user account. Such an account can be created and managed by means of the BAP. The list of Customs electronic services can be found at and in Annex 1 to the Rules on the Provision of Customs electronic services, approved by Order No 1B-234 of the Director General of the Customs Department of 24 March 2017.
1.2 How is a person's identity established in BAP?
The identity of a BAP person is established by means of the tools supported by the Electronic Government Gateway or by means of a certificate issued by Customs.
1.3 How do I register for BAP?
A person must apply to register as a service recipient with the BAP. A person whose identity is authenticated by the Electronic Government Gateway may register independently. A person whose identity cannot be verified by the Electronic Government Gateway will be contacted by a customs representative after submitting the request in the BAP.
1.4 Who can register a company as a recipient of services in BAP?
The application for registration of a legal person as a recipient of customs electronic services must be submitted either by the head of the legal person or by another natural person who has been authorised by the head of the legal person to register the legal person as a recipient of customs electronic services and to act as the administrator of the account of the legal person.
1.5 Who is the administrator of the customs electronic service user of a legal person (company)?
A natural person who registers a company as a recipient of services under the BAP becomes the administrator of that registered recipient. The administrator may add or remove new service recipients (natural persons) who can represent the company and, if necessary, grant them administrator rights.
1.6 How do I know who the administrator of an undertaking is?
Contact the company's representative who has registered the company as a customs electronic service user or the ITPC with the company's authorisation.
1.7 Does a representative of a legal person (an employee of the company) have to register with the BAP?
Yes. Only an employee of the company registered in BAP will be able to be added by the administrator to the list of representatives of the recipient of services.
1.8 What is a User Identification Number (RIN) and where can I find it?
A User Identification Number (RIN) is assigned to a user of customs electronic services (a natural person) after the user is registered in BAP. When logged in to the BAP, the RIN is displayed in the green background of the screen below the user's name, e.g. R12345678901234567.
1.9 EORI code - what is it and where do I get it?

The EORI code - Economic Operator Registration and Identification Code - is an identification code unique in the customs territory of the Union, which is issued by customs authorities to an economic operator or other person when registering him for customs purposes.

Applications for an EORI code and the accompanying documents shall be submitted via the Customs Authorisation System tools at

Further information is available at

1.10 In which cases am I obliged to enter my EORI or VAT code in my BAP account?
If you plan to use customs electronic services for which an EORI or VAT code is mandatory. For example, the EORI code is required for any customs authorisation application and the VAT code is mandatory for Intrastat reporting.
1.11 Where can I find more information on BAP?
More information on the BAP can be found in the Customs Electronic Service Provision Rules, the BAP User Guide, and on the Customs website

2. Registering a service user

2.1 When registering a legal entity with the BAP, do I have to submit two applications: to register a natural person and to register a legal person?
You can register a legal person/company as a beneficiary by submitting a single application, filling in your (natural person) and the company's (legal person) details. If you wish, you can first register as a natural person as a beneficiary of the BAP and then apply to register a company by logging into the BAP.
2.2 How can I register a legal person when I (a natural person) am registered with the BAP?
You have to log in to the BAP and enter the details of the legal entity to be registered in the "Service recipient registration" section. The service recipient account will only be activated after you have been contacted by a customs representative and asked to provide a copy of the authorisation.
2.3 What fields are required when completing the application for registration as a service recipient?
The mandatory fields marked with an asterisk (*) must be entered on the application form. The optional fields are to be filled in depending on the intended use of the customs electronic services. Once you have registered with the BAP, you will be able to modify your beneficiary profile at any time.
2.4 What additional personally identifiable information do I need to provide when submitting a natural person application?
The VAT number issued in the Republic of Lithuania is provided if you have one (e.g. you are a farmer). The EORI code or the number of the person's certificate of professional qualification may be entered if you are a natural person.
2.5 I am not a citizen of the Republic of Lithuania and I do not have a personal identification number. What do I have to indicate in the Personal Identification Number field when applying for registration of a natural person?
In the personal identification number field, you can enter the personal identification number issued by the foreign country. If the foreign country does not provide you with a personal identification number, you can enter the number of your passport or other document proving your identity in the personal identification number field. Once you have submitted your application, a customs representative will contact you and ask you to provide copies of the documents that support the information you have provided.
2.6 How do I register a company as a recipient of services if I cannot validate the authorisation I have been given through the Electronic Government Gateway (e.g. I am not the company's manager)?
You must have a written authorisation from the manager of the company to register the company as a service recipient and be the administrator of the company's account. When you submit a request to the BAP to register a company as a service recipient, you will be contacted by a customs representative and asked to provide a copy of the authorisation.
2.7 I entered the wrong VAT code when registering a recipient of services - how can I edit it?
You cannot do it yourself. You must send a request to in the prescribed form (see Annex 3 to the Regulations) to correct the details on your service recipient account, using the VAT code you entered at the time of registration and the new VAT code you entered. In the request, you must provide the name of the service recipient and the company code (or User Identification Number - RIN).
2.8 What if a company is registered as a recipient of services but the administrator is no longer working for the company?
Please submit an application ( signed by the manager or an authorised person to,  indicating the person who is to be granted the rights of administration of the company. The prospective administrator must be registered with the BAP. The application must include his User Identification Number (RIN).
2.9 I have applied to be registered as a service user. How do I know if I am already registered with the BAP?
If you have registered as a natural person via the Electronic Government Gateway, you will have immediate access to the Customs electronic services upon application. Otherwise, you will be contacted by a customs representative via the email address you provided in your application and informed of your registration.
2.10 I have applied to register a company as a service recipient, but when I log in I receive the message "No companies you can represent" or the registered company is not on the list of represented service recipients.
You will get this error if you have applied to register a company and your account is not activated. A customs representative will contact you via the e-mail address you provided in your application and inform you that the company has been registered.
2.11 How do I register a foreign company as a recipient of services?

The manager of a foreign company, or an authorised employee of the company, can register the company as a recipient of services using the BAP by filling in the registration form for an unauthenticated user (manager or employee of the company) (For those who do not have an account -> Registration). The company representative will be provided with a certificate with which he/she will be able to log in and manage the service recipient's account (company), add other company representatives and set their access rights, and manage delegation agreements.

If the manager of a foreign company does not want to personally register the company as a service recipient, he/she can grant a power of attorney to a citizen of the Republic of Lithuania to represent the company at the Lithuanian customs and to register and manage the service recipient account by means of BAP. An authorised person of the Republic of Lithuania logged in to the BAP may submit an application for registration of a foreign company as a service recipient Service recipient registration - BAP ( After registering the company as a service recipient, the authorised LR person will become the administrator of the service recipient and will have full rights to manage the service recipient's account, representatives and their access rights, and to manage delegation agreements.

3. Login questions

3.1 How do I log in to the BAP if I am a registered recipient of services?
You can log in to the BAP at by authenticating your identity through the Electronic Government Gateway or by means of a certificate issued to you by Customs. Persons who cannot authenticate their identity via the Electronic Government Gateway (e.g. non-citizens of the Republic of Lithuania) must use the customs certificate issued to the person by means of the BAP to access the BAP.
3.2 How do I log in to the Customs electronic services if I am a registered recipient of services?
You can log in to the Customs information systems providing Customs electronic services by logging in to the Single Window Information System or by using the links to the Customs electronic services provided at and in Annex 1 to the Rules for the Provision of Customs electronic services approved by Order No 1B-234 of the Director General of the Customs Department dated 24 March 2017. The connection to the Customs electronic services shall be made in the same way as to the BAP.
3.3 Can I use the certificate issued by Customs to log in to BAP and Customs electronic services, even though I have the possibility to log in via the Electronic Government Gateway?
If you are registered with the BAP, you can generate and install a certificate when you log in to the BAP. You will then have the option to choose how to connect, either with a customs certificate or via the Electronic Government Gateway, the next time you connect to BAP or Customs electronic services.
3.4 How do I log in to BAP when I authenticate with Swedbank?

A person redirected from the Electronic Government Gateway portal to Swedbank after successful authentication is not automatically redirected back to and the customs information systems. To log in via Swedbank after successful authentication, you need:

Find the Electronic Government Gateway service on the Swedbank website.

After selecting this service, the person must be redirected to

In the event that the transfer of personal data to the BAP is not completed, then:

Open a new tab in the web browser and enter the address of the portal providing the customs electronic service (e.g.

Once you have chosen to log in, you will be redirected to the BAP where you need to select the Electronic Government Gateway.

If you have not yet logged in to, you will be presented with a window for the personal data to be transmitted and, if you agree, you will be redirected to the customs electronic service.

This sequence of steps is also applied to other banks which do not automatically redirect you back to after successful authentication.

3.5 I receive an incomprehensible software error code during registration (e.g. 579147eb-8522-475f-bdaf-40e158d78078. What should I do?
Please contact the ITPC at with the error code.

4. Handling the rights of representatives

4.1 Is the company manager always the administrator of the company account?
The person who registers a company in the BAP automatically becomes the administrator of the company account. The registration of a company can be done by the manager or another authorised person.
4.2 Can the administrator of an enterprise account give the right to represent the enterprise to another person?
The administrator of company account may grant representation rights, including administration rights, to another person by means of BAP.
4.3 What should I specify in the User Identification Number field when registering a new service recipient representative?
The newly added representative (natural person) must first be registered in the BAP. A User Identification Number (RIN) is assigned to a user of customs electronic services (natural person) after he/she is registered in the BAP. When logged in to the BAP, it is displayed on the green background of the screen below the user's name, e.g. R12345678901234567.
4.4 The administrator of my company account has given me the right to represent my company, but I still can't log in to my company account?
Before adding a new representative, the administrator of the company account has to make sure that he/she has selected a company account (not his/her personal account). The representative must have been granted administrative rights (the relevant field is marked) before you can log in to the company account.
4.5 I am an employee of a company and I have been authorised by the company to file an Intrastat report. Is a delegation agreement with the company required?
No, a delegation agreement is not required. Register as a recipient of BAP services and contact the company's administrator to request to be added to the company's list of representatives. The administrator must grant you the rights to fulfil the Intrastat obligation.
4.6 Can a person find out who the administrator of a company account is?
Yes. To do so, you need to contact the company's representative who has registered the company as a recipient of customs electronic services or the ITPC with the company's authorisation.
4.7 How do I change the administrator of a service recipient in BAP if the previous administrator is not working for the company?
Please submit an application ( signed by the manager or an authorised person to, indicating the person who is to be given the rights of administration of the company. The prospective administrator must be registered with the BAP. The application must include his User Identification Number (RIN).
4.8 Can an employee of the company, such as an accountant, register the company as a recipient of services in BAP?
An employee of the company must have a power of attorney certified by the head of the company to register the company as a recipient of services and be the administrator of the company's account. When you submit a request to register a company as a recipient of services in BAP, you will be contacted by a customs representative and asked to provide a copy of the authorisation.

5. Managing delegation agreements

5.1 When is a delegation agreement required?
When a user of customs electronic services (natural or legal person) wishes to authorise another person (natural or legal person) to represent him/her in the use of customs electronic services. For example, an Intrastat debtor authorises another legal person to submit Intrastat reports on his behalf.
5.2 Who initiates the delegation agreement?
The delegation agreement is initiated by the user of electronic customs services who wishes to authorise (grant rights to) another natural or legal person to use the BAP. The administrator of the service recipient has to log in to the company's account in the BAP and create a delegation agreement.
5.3 What details are required when initiating a delegation agreement?
The delegatee may be a legal or natural person. Accordingly, it is possible to choose the identification code of the delegatee to be entered.
5.4 What is the services recipient's account identification number?
When filling in the data of an authorised natural person, it is necessary to enter the services recipient's account identification number, which is visible in the first line of the natural person's profile.
5.5 Does the person to whom authority is delegated need to be registered with the BAP in order to sign the delegation agreement?
Yes. The signing of the delegation agreement shall be carried out by means of the BAP.
5.6 Does the delegation agreement shall take effect immediately after initiation?
No. The administrator of the authorised legal or natural person must approve the delegation agreement by logging into the account in the BAP.

6. Managing certificates

6.1 Who needs a certificate?
A person whose identity cannot be authenticated through the Electronic Government Gateway (e.g. a non-citizen of the Republic of Lithuania) can access the BAP and customs electronic services using a certificate issued by means of BAP.
6.2 Where can I find the instructions for generating a certificate?
For general instructions on generating a certificate, please refer to the BAP User Guide: at Certificate generation - BAP ( For instructions on how to prepare a certificate signing request and the request.inf file, please refer to the Instructions for certificate preparation.
6.3 Can I write my surname in Lithuanian characters in the request.inf file?
Yes, you can, but you need to save the file in UTF-8 encoding.
6.4 Why can't I install a BAP certificate on my computer?
Please make sure that you have followed the installation steps as instructed. The reason for this could be either the settings on your computer or your company's security policy. Please contact the people who administer your computer.
6.5 I can't download the generated certificate, what should I do?
Try using a different browser. If not, please contact ITPC at with your RIN.
6.6 I changed my computer, why can't I log in with a BAP certificate?
Your certificate was installed on the old computer, so you need to reinstall the certificate using the Certificate Generation Guide. During the installation, save the certificate on your computer in the file sertifikatas.pfx , as described in the instructions.
6.7 Can I use the same BAP certificate on multiple computers?
The same certificate can be installed on multiple computers. The necessary steps are described in the section "Preparing the certificate to run on another computer" in the Certificate Generation Manual.
6.8 Where and how can I find the SHA-1 key (Certificate Unique Number, SHA-1 Algorithm, Thumbprint) needed to specify the data exchange agreement with the territorial customs in MDAS?
Type certmgr.msc in the program search and run. Find your certificate under Personal certificates. In the Details tab of the certificate's properties, look for the line "thumbprint", which is the required SHA-1 checksum.

7. About specific customs electronic services

7.1 The company has an obligation to report Intrastat. Where to start?
Before starting to report Intrastat, a company must be registered as a recipient of BAP services. Registration is available at   Intrastat reports can be submitted by the person who has registered the company with BAP or by another authorised representative of the company. The company's representative must be registered as a service recipient of BAP and must have been authorised by the administrator of the company to fulfil the Intrastat obligation.
7.2 I want to report Intrastat. How can I log in?
The Intrastat Report Acceptance and Validation Service is available at After clicking on the "Log in" link, you will need to authenticate your identity in one of the following ways: via the Electronic Government Gateway or with a BAP certificate. Once your identity has been verified, you will be granted access to the IDAIS system.
7.3 Do I need to have a BAP certificate to report to Intrastat?
A BAP certificate is not required. You can access the IDAIS system via the Electronic Government Gateway.
7.4 Who can submit an Intrastat report?
Intrastat reports can be submitted by the person who has registered the company in the BAP or by another authorised representative of the company. The representative of the company must be registered as a beneficiary of the BAP services and must have been authorised by the administrator of the company to fulfil the Intrastat obligation.
7.5 When I log in to IDAIS, I get an error that there are no companies for which I can submit Intrastat returns?

The reason for this should be looked for in BAP:

whether the company for which you need to submit Intrastat reports is registered in the BAP;

whether you are included in the list of company representatives;

whether the VAT code has been entered in the company's BAP account.

7.6 Why can't I log in to the BAP and change my company account details if I have access to IDAIS?
The company administrator of the BAP has granted you the right to represent the company in Intrastat reporting, but has not granted you the right to manage the company's data in the BAP. Only the person who has been granted administrator rights can connect to the BAP and edit the company account.
7.7 Can a company use BAP to authorise another company to report Intrastat on its behalf?
A company can authorise another company to report Intrastat on its behalf. For this purpose, a delegation agreement must be signed by means of the BAP. The company administrator logged in to BAP has to create a delegation agreement by assigning the activity profiles INTRASTAT_SURVEYOR, INTRASTAT_REPRIEVER. The administrator of the authorised company has to log in to the BAP and validate the contract. The representatives of the delegated enterprise will then be able to submit the Intrastat reports of the delegating enterprise in the IDAIS system for as long as the delegation agreement is valid.
7.8 Is an EORI code required to apply for an MLS authorisation?
Yes, it is required in all cases except for the EORI code application. The EORI code must be provided in the service recipient's BAP account and in the delegatee's account (if there is a delegation agreement).
7.9 How to access the newly launched electronic services from Customs?

The operational profiles of newly launched electronic services of Customs, if automatically assigned, shall be made available to registered users and their administrators at the initiative of Customs.

For Customs electronic services for which the profiles are not automatically assigned, the service recipient shall submit to the Customs a request signed by the service recipient's manager or his/her authorised representative (Annex 2 to the Rules) for the granting of the rights to access Customs electronic services.

The administrators of the service recipients may also assign rights to other representatives of the service recipient by logging into the service recipient's account via the BAP.

8. Access to EC electronic services

8.1. Electronic services provided by the European Commission that require a BAP user account
The service recipient or the service recipient's representative can access the electronic services provided by the European Commission by means of a BAP authentication, which can be found here:
8.2. Is an EORI code required to access the European Commission's information systems?
Yes, the electronic services provided by the European Commission require an EORI code.
8.3 What are the possible cases of access to European Commission information systems?

There are three cases of access to European Commission‘s information systems:

  • a natural person representing himself;
  • a natural person representing a company;
  • a natural person representis an economic operator as a representative of a person providing intermediary services.

For a more detailed description of these cases, and examples of how to fill in the login form, please click on the following link